After my workout, I hopped in the shower quickly (it was a sweaty one), and made Asher a quick sandwich before we had to head out the door for school.
I had hoped to do my Cleaning assignment this morning but that didn't happen and when we got home, Asher's neighbour friends we outside so we visited and they played and before you know it, 5pm had arrived, Gord was home and it was time to cook dinner! And now here it is 8:20pm and I haven't had a moment to clean those windows! So I'll be tacking them to tomorrows list!
Gord and I started our 21day fix meal plan today and I wanted to make sure I got my workout in too! Sometimes you just gotta pick and choose your priorities and Working out is one of my "must do's"!

Check out my yummy Salad I had for lunch today! 2 Green, one red (salmon), one blue (walnuts)! And balsamic vinaigrette! So So good! I made this salad in about 3 minutes on a rush out the door for preschool knowing I had errands to run and probably wouldn't make it back home in time to eat lunch! So I threw this together and out the door we went! So yummy!
P.S. the colours refer to the colour coded containers you use in the 21 day fix! It's seriously an awesome way understand portion control and how much your actually supposed to eat! I know for me I don't eat enough meat (red) and even veggies (green) so when I portion them out like this it always surprises me how much I should be eating for a serving! It's more than you think! And sometimes less that you think too!
Foods like nuts, tho healthy are often over consumed and you would be surprised how small that container is!

Tomorrow's Assignment:
- Sweep or Vacuum floors and stairs
- One Load of Laundry
- And my catch up clean all interior windows
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