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Sunday 13 April 2014

The Frozen Banana

I can't live without my frozen banana in my shake every morning. Since I've discovered this little trick I'm hooked! 

The frozen banana is the perfect compliment to my shake because it adds coldness without being ice and I use a half banana in my shake anyway! 

This morning I was out of frozen bananas and no ice to boot! Now I like my shakes cold but I figured it woukd be fine. I threw in a half banana, scoop of peanut butter, almond milk and one scoop of chocolate vegan shakeology. It was good, but because it wasn't cold I just couldn't enjoy it! 

Right away I made sure to get the bunch of bananas down from the window sill and put them into the freezer! That way I don't wake up and not have one for tomorrow! Phew!! 

Can't live with out them lol! 

1 comment:

  1. Is it as easy as peeling and freezing?! do they brown at all?


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