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Thursday 14 May 2015

Thursday Fit Challenge - PLIE in 1st and 2nd Position

Thursday Fit Challenge: Plie in 1st and 2nd Position

Let's do a little Barre move today to Tone the inner and outer thighs, glutes, and waist. I used to do Ballet as a child and teen and I honestly had no idea what a great workout it actually was!  Back to doing some Barre moves to tone up my legs for the summer.  

1. Begin standing in first position, legs turned out from the thigh bone, heels together, inner thighs pressed together. (Most people force a turn-out. To make sure you do not, align your second toe with the turn out of your knee.) Arms form an oval in front of the body.

2. Lift the belly and lengthen the spine upward, as you bend the knees and slowly lower the hips four inches from your heels. Keep the hips over the heels, tailbone drawn down.

2. Press through the heels, draw the inner thighs together and engage the glutes to return to standing. If you need balance assistance, hold on to the back of a chair or increase the stability challenge. Repeat 10 plies


1. Step the feet a bit wider than the hips and turn out from the hips. Arms form an oval in front of the body.

2. Lift the belly and bend knees to lower the hips almost parallel with knees. Keeps hips below shoulders, spine long.

2. Press into the heels, draw inner thighs together and engage the glutes to return to standing

Images and instructions from and edited by me. 

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