Yesterday's assignment was deep clean the kitchen. I've sort of split the job up into two days but it's done now! It feels great to pull everything out and clean behind the appliances and inside them! But with baby bottles and other daily used items on the counter that just seem to have to stay there these days it still doesn't feel as tidy as I like my kitchen counters to be. But what can ya do!
It seems like kids stuff is taking over... between art work and paper work for preschool and kindergarden it's getting a bit hairy! Thank goodness for my calendar! I love it! Helps me keep things straight.
I also seem to have a pile for work stuff and kid stuff at the corner of the counter in my "office area" right next to the printer! I used to only bring the printer upstairs on occasion but lately I seem to need to way more often so I just leave it on the counter plugged in.
Then there is the bag of coffee that could totally be put away in a cupboard but always seems to stay right next the the keurig.
I had just picked up his toys and tidied them. He woke up from a nap not 10 minutes later and they are on the floor along with his lunch Crumbs as Abbi is helping clean up! |
What's a mom to do... Embrace it! My life has changed so much! Being a mom means just living with a bit of "stuff" hanging around. Sure I still love my clean tidy counter tops, but lets be honest, I clean everything perfectly and within the hour the "Stuff" makes it's way back to the counter. Or I clean up the toys and in no time there is a pile on the floor again. That's my life.
There are always dishes to wash, bottles to clean, babies to wipe up, floors to scrub (from that dropped banana on the floor), Shakeology powder to wipe up from after my husband makes his shake, the list goes on. My kitchen just doesn't stay clean like it used to and I always seem to be in there doing something!
I've got a new standard of clean and tidy now... if the cutting board is clean with only one or two items on or near it ~ tidy, if the bottles aren't piled up next to the sink to be washed ~ tidy, if there is only one fairly straight pile of papers, books and notes stacked by the printer ~ tidy, if the stove top is not crumbly or dusty from formula or Shakeology powder ~ tidy. The list goes on.
I wouldn't change it for the world, these boys keep me busy!
Crazy kid loves to eat on the counter, not at the counter! |
Today's Assignment is:
- Surface clean the bathroom
- One load of laundry
I actually did the bathroom a few days ago cause it was getting nasty. But I'll do it again this afternoon before Asher and I have our mommy and Asher date!
Tomorrow's assignment is:
- Surface clean bedroom
- one load of laundry
pft.... I did this today! I rock! But I'll do a tidy up of the bedroom again tomorrow because in this house, nothing stays clean or tidy!