I heard the story of the 4 minute mile last week while on a call and it stuck with me. I wanted to share the story of the 4 Minute Mile with my team because I think it really speaks to the Power of Believing in yourself. I googled it and started to take notes from what I found out, but my notes inadvertently turned into a blog post.
For years, experts said that the human body was simply not
capable of a 4-minute mile. It wasn’t just dangerous; it was
It is said that people had tried for over a thousand years to break
the barrier, but it was just not doable.
In the 1940’s, the
mile record was pushed to 4:01, where it stood for nine years, as runners
struggled with the idea that, just maybe, the experts had it right.
Perhaps the human body had reached its limit.
On May 6, 1954,
Roger Bannister broke the 4-minute barrier, running the distance in
3:59.4. As part of his training, he relentlessly visualized the
achievement in order to create a sense of certainty in his mind and body.
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Roger Bannister training in 1954 in the year he became the first man to run a mile in under 4 minutes. |
Barely a year after
Bannister’s accomplishment, someone else ran a mile in under 4 minutes. Then some more runners did it too. Now,
it’s almost routine. Even strong high-schoolers today run 4-minute
But once he crashed
through that barrier, the rest of the world saw that it was possible, and the
previous record that had stood for nine years was broken routinely.
I love this
story. I don’t know how much of it is true; I’m sure some of the details
have been blurred over the years. Either way, it doesn’t matter. I’ve
witnessed firsthand what a little certainty can do.
Because Roger proved to the world that it could be done. Suddenly more runners were certain is was possible. That certainty is what I believe allowed each one that followed to be able to accomplish the goal themselves.
When you become
certain of something, when every part of your makeup believes it because you
focus on it every single day, something “magical” happens. Really this isn’t just about the Law of
attraction or “the secret”. We have a system in our bodies called the reticular activating system (RAS) that
helps our brains decide what information to focus on and what to delete.
When you have a
clearly-defined purpose, a mission, a WHY and when you live every moment in a
state of certainty that you’ll achieve it, you influence what your RAS filters
out and what lights it up. As a result, you pay special attention things
that help you achieve what you’re after, things you otherwise would have never
I have experienced
this and I truly believe in the power of certainty.
How you get to the
point where you are certain of your goal, mission or your WHY, it
takes practice however. As I said above
Roger Bannister relentlessly visualized himself achieving his ultimate
goal. In fact I have read that he did
not have the proper time to train to run the mile in less than 4 minutes and
that it was more mental training than physical.
You first need to
convince yourself that it is possible and you can make your WHY a reality. Believe it, and push towards that belief with
the knowledge that the steps you take, or don’t take each day will ultimately
decide whether YOU MAKE IT HAPPEN or not.
For example: Sally
wants to lose 20 pounds and lower her blood pressure because her doctor is
concerned and she wants to be around for her children. She has her WHY set.
Week 1: She wakes up early each day to
workout and make a healthy breakfast and lunch before work, but she isn't seeing any results right away. (Insta-results
don’t exist)
Week 2: Sally slept in 3 times, skipped breakfast and didn’t have time to prepare a
healthy lunch for herself because she wasn't certain that she could achieve her goals since they didn't happen right away.
Week 3: Sally is
back to her old routines and nothing has changed. She feels defeated and will likely try again in a month or two with the same results.
Week 1: Sally wakes
up early each day to workout, make a healthy breakfast and lunch and reads 15
minutes of a personal development book like the compound effect which refocuses
her mind and drives her forward with a determination because she is learning
that small steps each day add up to big results. (she is building a foundation of belief and certainty)
Week 2: Sally
continues with her routine and is starting to see the positive outcomes of her
changes in small ways. Her mornings run
smoother, and she is in a better mood through out the day, she has lost a few pounds too.
Week 3: Sally
starts making more positive changes to her lifestyle because she has started to see
clearly the path towards her goal and is paying special attention to things
that will help her to achieve it.
So becoming certain
that you will achieve your goal isn't something that you can just turn on like a light switch. It takes work to teach
yourself to believe in your WHY. BUT as
in the example above, the 15 minutes Sally put in each day changed the outcome
and made the first week of change count for something.
Why waist your momentum when you can teach your self to hold on to it and use it to reach your goals?
We have all been there. We are motivated to make a change and we may stay on track for a few days, a week or even a month. But eventually you lose sight of the goal, or something comes up that throws you off and slowly but surely the plan gets derailed and you have lost your momentum. So make a plan to hold on to your momentum, by gaining and keeping the certainty that you will achieve your goal.
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