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Friday, 27 April 2018

80 Day Obsession Recipes

I'm starting another round of the 80 Day Obsession program on Monday with my Unicorn Group and I thought I would put together a post with some of my favourite meals from our first round!  We have lots of new ladies joining in this round so I wanted to share what meals worked well for me as a working busy mom.  

My routine was to make my meal plan and grocery shop on Saturday that way I could start meal prep on Sunday morning without needing to rush out of the house to the grocery store.  This worked so well for me and I would often prep at least 3 days of meals ahead so that I could easily grab and go in the rushed mornings.

I followed Plan B for 11 of the 13 weeks and then bumped up to Plan C for the last two weeks of the program so the meals shared here work perfectly with Plan B and the pre and post workout meals double as Meal Option 3 since you just add 1 Orange container to that meal. 

I can honestly say I enjoyed all of these meals and repeated many of them each week.  Here are my results from the program!!  

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing, shoes and indoorImage may contain: 2 people, people standing

If you are curious, my typical meals for the day looked like this:

4:45am Preworkout meal (swapped for meal option 2) 
Greek yogurt with raspberry parfait topped with Almond Butter.

5:00am Workout 

6:00 am post workout Recover plus an apple or half banana 

8:30am post workout meal 
My go to "Breakfast" was Shakeology with spinach blended with ice and water plus 1 slice of toast and almond butter or overnight oats with cinnamon and almond butter. 

11:30am - Meal option 1 (swapped for pre workout meal)  

Taco salad with organic refried beans or brown rice, Greek yogurt and natural salsa, tomatoes, greens and ground turkey. OR I did a Greek Couscous Salad with chicken and cucumbers and tomatoes.

2:30pm - Meal option 2

I started doing a simple spinach salad with strawberries and goat cheese crumbles and then I moved to doing a snack box with grapes, cucumbers and cheese. (See recipes linked below)

5:30pm - Meal option 3 
I used this as my dinner meal and changed it up each day. Our go to meals were the chicken sweet potato wraps, chicken Tinga tacos and I often used the fixate cooking show recipes on BOD for inspiration each week. 

Here are my go to recipes....

Pre & Post Workout Meals Plus Meal Option 3

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Sweet Potato Chicken Wraps - Red Yellow Green Spoon  

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Carrot Cake Muffins - Red Yellow Green   

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Turkey Taco Lettuce Wraps - Red Green    Add a yellow to this meal (beans work great)

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Chicken Tinga Tacos - Red, Yellow, Green, Spoon   

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Lettuce Wrapped Turkey Burger with baked Yam FriesRed, Yellow, Green, Spoon    
I made Fixate Mayonnaise for these too!  

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Greek Chicken Couscous Salad - Red Yellow Green Spoon   

Meal Option 2

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Banana Apple Muffins - Blue Green Purple  ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’œ 

Everything Bagel Goat Cheese Ball with Cucumber - Blue Green Purple  ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’š

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Snack Box  - Blue Green Purple  ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’œ 

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Spinach Strawberry Goat Cheese Salad - Blue Green Purple  ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’œ 

Post Workout

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Recover Brownie Batter - Recover (Post workout Recover) ๐Ÿ’œ 

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