
Friday 29 July 2016

New Workout Announcement: 3 Week Yoga Retreat

Wanna do yoga with Vytas from Survivor???

Beachbody is releasing this 3 Week Yoga workout Free to Beachbody on Demand (BOD) customers in September! It will be exclusive to BOD and Each week builds upon the prior one, and the 21-day program kicks off with Week 1 led by Vytas Baskauskas (remember him from survivor???)

He’s been studying and practicing yoga for more than 15 years, and approaches the discipline in a functional and technical way that will help you understand not just the poses, but also why they’re important. During that first week Vytas will teach you yoga fundamentals so you can build a solid foundation for the weeks to come.

3 Week Yoga Retreat is perfect if you’re new to the yoga mat, as this beginner yoga program will guide you through three weeks of basic yoga classes and help you feel less stressed, improve your flexibility, and increase your balance. The program doesn’t require any equipment (though a yoga mat, yoga block, and a strap are all helpful), and we’ve included a modifier for each of the moves to help ease you in.
3 Week Yoga Retreat makes the moves easy to understand  and was designed so you can easily follow along. Beachbody did an extensive search to find four trainers that you’ll not only love, but who are also masters of the practice. This trusted team of four will guide you through each session with cueing so precise you could do the program blindfolded (not that we’d recommend that).
After completing one 30-minute or shorter class a day, you’ll have a deeper understanding of yoga by the end of 21 days. You’ll also have the confidence to hold your own in any yoga class!
I will be hosting a 3 Week Virtual Yoga Retreat Group on Facebook once the program is released!  Check out all the details here. 
Who should use the program?
Anyone who is a yoga beginner, especially those who have always wanted to try yoga. It’s also valuable for people who are looking to complement their current fitness, become more flexible, reduce stress, or improve balance.

How Long are the workouts?
30 minutes or less

What equipment is required?No Equipment is required

When will the program launch on Beachbody On Demand?September 2016.
Are the Yoga Experts certified yoga instructors?Yes. Each Yoga Expert is a certified yoga instructor.
Where can the program be purchased?  
It's free to paid Team Beachbody members & exclusive to Beachbody on Demand.

Workout Descriptions  
Week 1: Foundation with Vytas  Learn the fundamentals and build a solid foundation with a different focus each day of the week.
Week 2: Expansion with EliseElise picks up where Vytas leaves off and builds on poses and postures from week 1 to reach the next level.
Week 3: Progression with Ted  Ted pushes students a little harder, offering them a chance to see all the progress they’ve made. This is where the many benefits of yoga can really be seen and felt.
Weekends with FaithOn Saturdays, it’s time to RELAX with Faith. On Sundays, pick any of the 10 minute classes.

Shakeology Boosts

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