
Wednesday 29 October 2014

Tips on how to make it through Halloween without going overboard!

We are 2 days away from the scariest holiday of the year!

HALLOWEEN causes many of us to go running in the opposite direction from the mirror when you pull up those skinny jeans after a week of potlucks in the office, candy treats, fun drinks and appetizers!

You might think that those mini candy bars are a good idea because they are portion sized but then you also think to yourself that you can have more than 1 because they are bite sized! Before you know it you are on the couch with the candy bowl and you just can’t stop. 

It’s hard to get out of that pattern once you start so I want you to also start to change your thinking right now!

Just because you think its going to be hard doesn't mean you just don't start at all or you take an entire week off of eating healthy and working out because of one day of trick or treating! It's all about changing your mindset. So here are some of my top tips:

1. Don't get your favorite candy to hand out on Halloween

I always used to get the box that had the Reece’s Pieces cups in it. Because I loved them. BUT then they tempted me all week before Halloween because of course I opened the box early.  AND they tempted me on Halloween night and again they tempted me after Halloween was over. 

So this year I let the Boys pick.  In prior years I have gone the no candy route, last year I got a healthy potato pop chip to hand out.  But this year I let the boys choose and they got a box of whatever mini chocolate bars they wanted.  I actually don’t even know what is in there.  AndI don’t want to know either!

This way I’m not tempted to get into them before Halloween, and because I know there are no reece cups I won’t have quite as much trouble staying away on Halloween night or after either!

2. Out of sight out of mind

Right now that nasty box of Chocolate bars is sitting on top of my China cabinet still in the bag it came in!  We have had it for about a week now but it remains unopened and will do so until Halloween night!

3. Keep a journal

It's really really important that as you move into the holidays that you have a great way of tracking your daily food intake. Honestly, its so easy to not realize what you are eating and how it all adds up. You take 1 little bite here and 1 little bite there and before you know it you have had way more than you ever expected.

This is called the compound effect.  Little things done daily lead to big things.  Whether that be good changes or Bad. For example: working out for 20 minutes each day although a little change can lead to big changes in your health and fitness over a year.  But a little seemingly inconsequential change over time like an extra not so healthy snack each day over a few months could lead to a few extra pounds to carry around by Christmas time.

But when you have to write it down and be accountable to that it makes you second guess that decision! You might be sabotaging yourself without even knowing it!

4. Exercise

It’s so important to stick to your exercise routine or even start a new one.  On Friday morning I plan to workout at lunch with my co-workers (P90 with Tony), eat a healthy lunch, drink my water and then have a good healthy dinner (Portobello Mushroom Pizzas - Recipe found on my Dinner Inspiration board).

I’ll probably go trick or treating with my boys and have a treat or two. 


I'm not throwing all caution to the wind for the entire day. I'm not starving myself to have extra calories for the evening! I will stick to the plan. It's one treat not an entire day or week! This is the key to success. Everything in moderation and don't skip a workout EVER on a cheat day! DEAL!!!

5. Find healthy alternatives

Feel the need to have a sweet treat on Friday night after the kids are in bed and the candy is available? Make up a batch of something healthy but sweet to enjoy instead. 

Maybe these Coconut Bars


No one will even know there are chick peas in them!

And if you are really up to the challenge join my Halloween Candy Detox Challenge Group to help you get focused after halloween and make it to Christmas with a whole new set of tools to use!
5 Days of Shakeology
5 Days of Healthy Recipes
5 Days of Exercise
** Holiday Survival Tips
*** Plus our Make it to Christmas Motivation and group support
Click here to join the Facebook Group and contact me to get your Shakeology!

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