
Tuesday 4 March 2014

Easy cloud activity - preschool and toddler fun

Today I set up a fun experiment for Asher using cotton balls (clouds) and water with a bit of blue food colouring. We first talked about the water life cycle and I explained how it all worked... You know evaporation, transpiration, the lakes and the mountains etc.

Then I let him use his clouds (cotton balls) to suck up the rain water (water with blue food colouring) and man that kid was as happy as a clam soaking up the water and ringing it out to make rain in another container we called the Forest! He was occupied for well over an hour and kept coming back to it after that! 

So simple, so cheap, and not only did it amuse him without the use of a screen but he learned something in the process!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! He just loved it and it only cost pennies to set up! Gotta love that!
