
Friday 27 November 2020

Sight Word Snowman

I haven't published a blog post in quite some time but I was inspired to create a fun seasonal activity to help my youngest son Fraser with his sight words.  I thought I would share what I created with my fellow parents who might be looking for a fun learning activity to use over the Christmas break.  

Last night we played five rounds of family Zingo (sight word bingo) which was really fun and kept the learning feeling like a game.  I don't know about you with your kiddos but I find if he gets a whiff of the game being more learning and less fun he doesn't want any part of it! 

Zingo was by far the most fun sight word game we have tried so far!  It kept both kids engaged and sparked a little competitiveness too. 

Another game we found fun for learning sight words is "Sight Word Swat".  The kids get to use a fly swatter to "swat" the words you call out.  The flies have various colours and levels of sight words so the game can grow with the child which I really like. 

Plus you can assign certain flies to each player, this way Fraser can can the easier sight words and Asher (though he is far beyond all the sight words in the game) can have the hardest flies. 

Sight Word Snowman by Fraser

I do think it's important to introduce new learning activities as it keeps things fun and engaging.  I remembered an activity using dice to make a Frankenstein we did for Halloween a few years ago so I went to work making something similar with sight words for the holidays!  I found snowman themed clip art images and added them into a document with sight words connected to each item.  I actually found quite a few images and had fun making this for him.  

Sight Word Snowman worksheet

The sight word snowman activity only requires a printer and some scissors!  If  you want to get fancy you could also laminate the main page and snow man parts too!  Fraser chose to glue his snowman accessories to the page and made a "Christmas themed snowman".  

The idea is that you have your learner design a fun snowman using the snowman parts provided and then they write down the sight words on each of the parts that they used to build their snowman. As you can see Fraser had a few of his parts upside-down.  

This cheap activity could provide endless possibilities and for creative kids it's perfect!  Fraser has been wanting to do another youtube video for his channel so he decided to film himself doing this activity and post it to share with his friends.  You can find Fraser's Youtube Channel which has a few sight word or letter recognition activities/ideas here

Here is the link to download a copy of the Sight Word Snowman Activity.


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