
Monday 1 May 2017

7 Day Sugar Detox

I am kicking off a 7 Day Sugar Detox group on Monday May 8th and I couldn't be more thrilled to finally host this group!  I've been wanting to talk about sugar in greater detail for a very long time and I'm finally ready to share what I've learned along the way and help change some lives for the better! 

This group is going to act as a support system for those who find them selves consuming more sugar than they would prefer, or for those who hadn't realized how much sugar is in the every day thins we consume.  We will be learning as we go, sharing our struggles, coping with cravings and reaching our goals over these 7 days and beyond! 

If you aren't already part of the group you can click here to request to join! 

Sugar is lurking everywhere so my hope and intention for this group is for those participating to become more aware of the ingredients in their food.  It’s pretty shocking if you go into a grocery store and grab a box of cereal or a jar of tomato sauce—you’ll quickly see there’s added sugar lurking in almost everything that comes packaged in a carton or can. It’s no wonder we’re addicted.

Below you will find a little more information about the group and info on how and why we are structuring it the way we are.....

Make the Decision
Comit yourself to this 7-day detox.  These changes will reset your brain and body.

Why is sugar so hard to quit??
You’re probably thinking, ‘I get it—the stuff has little to no redeeming value.’ But if you’re trying to quit, it helps to understand why it’s so hard to cut the sweetness out of our diets.
Believe it or not, sugar hijacks the brain chemistry much like drugs such as nicotine, cocaine and heroin do. Sugar, just like certain drugs, makes our brains release dopamine—which signals that something is pleasurable. Each time we eat it, it sugar activates a “reward” pathway in our brain that leaves us feeling as if we always need more. So regular sugar consumption can actually change the gene expression and availability of dopamine receptors in both the midbrain and frontal cortex. Simply put, our brains become tolerant to sugar, thus the increasing need for more.

Quit Cold Turkey
When a sugar addict eats even a small amount of sugar, they want more and more.  We must break the cycle and going cold turkey gives us a window to allow significant withdrawal and detox to take place.  Stop all forms of refined sugar:  white flour, artificial sweetners, hydrogenated fats and pre-packaged foods. This also means no honey, no maple syrup, no agave nectar, no artificial sweeteners and nothing sweet except for fresh fruit.

Don’t Drink your calories
No sweetened teas and coffees, no sodas and no juices.

Add Protein to every meal
Include eggs, nuts, seeds, fish, chicken or grass-fed meats.

Consume ½ cup of of beans per day
Beans prevent that insulin spike associated with cravings and fat storage, plus beans are high in protein and lessen the glycemic reaction at your second meal. 

Eat slow foods
Slow foods are foods that take a long time to digest, and these squash sugar cravings because they provide you with a steady stream of calories in your bloodstream, verses a flood all at once.  Fast carbs, like white bread and pasta turn into sugar, spiking insulin and leading to a wide swing in glucose; setting you up for fat storage and cravings. Eat slow foods at every meal.  Go for beans, whole grains (such as steel-cut oats) and high carb vegetables such as butternut squash, carrots, beets, parsnips, turnips, lentils or peas.
The key, is to eat whole, unprocessed foods that keep you full and prevent insulin spikes.

Meal ideas: Whole grain like steel-cut oats with seeds and berries for breakfast. A salad with a nut-based dressing for lunch and bowl of bean soup or chili.

Include good fats at every meal
Go for nuts and seeds (with meals), avocado and fish, which offer omega-3 fatty acids.

Keep your blood levels stable
Research shows that when you are hungry, you are more likely to crave and eat sugary foods. This is simple to avoid if you just take a little time to plan ahead.
Plan to be hungry about every 2-3 hours. Plan out your meals and snacks ahead of time, or at least have convenient options of healthy food nearby.
If you know you will be gone for more than 2-3 hours, plan ahead and bring healthy snacks with you. Add healthy sources of protein to your meals and snacks, to keep you more satiated for longer.

Manage your stress
When your stressed, your cortisol shoots up.  This will drive up your hunger and can fuel sugar cravings.

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