
Saturday 31 October 2015

Beachbody Coach FAQ

I get the following questions a lot so I decided a blog post was in order!

1   1What does it take financially to be a Beachbody Coach?

You can sign up for free with any Challenge Pack. The Challenge Packs include a workout of your choice, 30 days of Shakeology, and a 30 day club membership which includes Beachbody on Demand – Beachbody’s streaming service. If you decide to sign up without a Challenge Pack, it’s $39.95.

Both sign up options include access to an online office that we use daily with trainings and tracking systems, 3 websites for people to order from you, and access to all of my Team’s Training. It’s $15.95 to maintain you Beachbody coach membership, and that’s usually covered from one sale.

You can sign up to coach for free if you or your spouse is either active or retired USA military (and become a coach without having any sign up or monthly fees)

2. Do I get free products or a discount as a Beachbody Coach?

Yes! You get 25% off any of your personal orders. If you are already drinking Shakeology everyday, you will save approximately $30 every month on it just with your discount! That’s $360 a year or about $170 after the monthly coaching fee.

3. Can I be a Beachbody Coach just for the discount?

Yes! If you are drinking Shakeology every month, it makes complete sense to sign up for the discount. The same goes for it you are using the other supplements or ordering products frequently. Here’s a little more on becoming a Beachbody Coach for the discount.

4. Why should I Join Beachbody?

Everyone will have a different reason WHY they sign up. For me, I signed up because I wanted to help people, find a job I loved, and help pay for our daycare and mortgage.

Beachbody was the perfect company for me and my family because I love the products and I can do this at home on MY Schedule! It also helped that Beachbody is a well-known, reputable company. Their workouts and supplements are always in demand, and people are always wanting to improve their health.

I also loved that Beachbody wasn’t focused on recruiting a ton of people or high pressure sales. I’m not a sales person and I have never liked the feeling of selling!  I really want to have coaches that are passionate and excited to help people versus thousands of people that just want to make a quick buck.

Another perk is that you don’t have to stock any products or host parities (unless you want to). I have been able to grow my business completely online, and I can teach you how as well through my teams continual trainings.

5. How do I find my first clients and coaches?

I walk you through step-by-step how I grew my business. If you decide to join my team of coaches, I provide you with a daily email lesson or a Coach Basics Bootcamp to help you get started. I provide examples, how-to videos, and everything you need to be successful.
I honestly know if a shy mom working full time can do this, anyone can! Plus I will be there to help support you if you decide it’s a good fit.

6. What if I try it and don’t like it?

It’s super easy to cancel, and I’ll still be your coach for any health or fitness questions you have.

Does being a Beachbody Coach sound like something you’d like?

I’d love to help you get started and get to know you better!! 

Request to join my 5 Day Free What is Coaching Sneak Peak Group!

Shakeology Boosts

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