
Tuesday 5 August 2014

Dehydrated Watermelon

It seems like an Oxymoron doesn't it.  Dehydrated Watermelon.  When I first heard about it I wondered if there would be anything left of the melon once dehydrated but it actually works and tastes pretty good too.

Here is the Dehydrator recipe:

I peeled and sliced up the half Organic Watermelon I purchased yesterday afternoon and put about 3/4 of it into my dehydrator.  I put it on about 145 degrees F over night and work up to these delicious fruit leather like snacks.  They almost taste like cotton candy.  

About 4 or 5 hours into the dehydrating process
All the watermelon in the Dehydrator

They are a pretty healthy sweet snack in fact, maybe a little to sweet for me but everyone enjoyed them and I think they are a great treat for kids.

Not a lot of dehydrator recipes I haven't tried before so this was quite fun to try.

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