
Friday 11 April 2014

Preschooler activities - vinegar and baking soda fun

You've got go love baking soda and vinegar! 

Such an easy project to set up for Asher and he always loves it. 

Usually he gets about half way through the cup of vinegar before he asks me if he can dump it. I usually try to get him to use the dobber a little longer to spread out the length of the project 😉

It's easy to set up:

1. About a quarter cup of vinegar mixed with a drop or two of for colouring in a small cup. 

2. Baking soda spread out on the pan or tray. 

3. Dobber tool

When Asher was younger I used to do the double cup method where I would put the small cup of vinegar into a slightly larger bowl so that if it did tip the cup or there were drips, the bigger bowl might just catch them! 

Here is Asher around 2 years old doing the same experiment!

Notice the small cup inside the ramekin!

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